Hi, I’m Narella

When I first started exploring my drinking habits, I really didn’t think I was drinking too much.

I definitely didn't consider or identify myself as an alcoholic.

However, deep down, I knew my drinking wasn’t quite right. I had trouble stopping at just one drink, and I could see how it was affecting my life and health. It left me feeling powerless.

It was a real eye-opener to realize that you don’t have to call yourself an "alcoholic" or hit "rock bottom" to recognize that you might be drinking too much.

Our stories might be more similar than you'd think.

I’ve been there too, grappling with the struggle to cut back on drinking. Feeling powerless to stop. Constantly asking myself, what’s wrong with me.

I often woke up regretting the night before, battling with my decision, and asking myself, WHY, WHY, WHY, did I do it again?

I used to believe drinking was essential for socialising and relaxing because it seemed normal. It seemed like just what people did.

But I reached a point where I knew things had to change. I could see I was losing hours of my life just numbing myself with alcohol, just trying to escape. And this was all happening when I was technically drinking within the average limits for comsumption!

With my journey and experience as a Certified Life Coach, I developed the "Overcoming Over-Drinking Program."

I have now truly transformed my relationship with alcohol, and I'm excited to share my learnings and experience with you.

I am in my early 60’s and living a wonderful diverse life. Including running my own fashion-importing business in the Middle East. So much joy comes from raising my two beautiful daughters, and sharing a loving life with my supportive husband in Melbourne, Australia.

My life has become so much richer because I decided to overcome my over-drinking.

I was so wrong about thinking I needed alcohol at every social event. I now do all those things, without alcohol. I live an amazing life without the need to have a class in my hand.

Today, I help other women take control of their drinking habits, discover freedom from alcohol, and live truly extraordinary lives.

What’s life like now that I have, “Overcome over-drinking”?

I can't even describe how amazing life has been since I stopped over-drinking.

I used to think my drinking wasn't excessive, but looking back, I realize it was more than I needed. I understand this now because of how much better I feel.

I never imagined the positive impact cutting back would have on every aspect of my life and those around me.

I'm so glad I've figured it out.

  • I no longer rely on alcohol to numb my feelings; I face life head-on.

  • I'm comfortable in social situations without needing to drink to fit in.

  • Navigating life without alcohol is truly liberating!

  • The tools and techniques I've learned have been life-changing.

  • I now want to share this wisdom with you. 

Let's embark on this journey together

I've lost nothing and gained so much. Life is so much better.

  • I'm healthier, fitter, and more energetic. I sleep well, stay focused, and am more active. I do not sit on the couch every night watching mindless T.V.

  • My anxiety is lower, I manage stress better, and I'm less irritable.

  • I've been told my hair is shinier.

  • I can read books without falling asleep.

  • I'm saving money by not buying expensive wine or paying for related costs like late-night taxis and extra “treats” that I used to binge on.

  • I have so much more brain space now that I'm not thinking about drinking or planning to drink, or doing a dash to the bottle shop.

  • My concentration is better, and my emotions are more stable.

  • I react clearly in emotional situations. I don’t over-react OR not react at all.

  • One of the best and most positive things is that I have more fulfilling relationships and better connections with everyone..

These benefits highlight how rewarding and healthy life can be without alcohol, making overall well-being so much better.

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